1. Minecraft Servers
  2. Java Servers
  3. Pink Prison

Pink Prison

Java IP
Last Ping
6 days ago
BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.20.x


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  • Submit a piece of content for the server (TikTok video, YouTube video, etc).
  • Content will be reviewed by the server owner.
  • Votifier votes are awarded when they accept it!
  • This server does not have super votes enabled. Notify the server owner to get it added!
    A Minecraft Server

    Hello world, hello you! Welcome to PinkPrison! We're pretty sure that your search for a nice Minecraft server has now come to an final end. Our server offers you exactly the features you were probably looking for. With over 100 custom-made plugins, we offer sufficient and unique features that give the gamemode prison a whole new meaning. In addition to our incredibly cool, user-oriented rewards for working in the mines or participating in events, we offer expandable plots in the form of islands, which you can completely adapt to your own wishes. We didn't leave anything out in PVP either. From regular armor to custom enchanted armor, everything is included. Anyone who joins our community today will receive a free seasonal crate as a first-join gift. Many many more rewards are still waiting to be claimed on our server. Just like mini-games. Have we already told you about one of our top highlights? The parkour. A delicious way to pit your skills against other players. Just like in our coinflip and our crash, roulette or rps system, the winner gets the entire bet. We have a lot more features & we could talk about them for hours, but, how about you just pay us a visit?

    What is the Pink Prison Java IP?

    The Java IP for Pink Prison is join.pinkprison.org

    What is the Pink Prison Bedrock IP?

    Pink Prison does not appear to support Bedrock players.

    How do I vote for Pink Prison?

    Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.

    What is the Pink Prison Discord server?

    Join the Pink Prison Discord server here: http://discord.pinkprison.org/

    How do I join Pink Prison?

    Java players

    1. On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
    2. For "Server Address, enter join.pinkprison.org, then click "Done".
    3. Double click the newly added server to join!

    Bedrock players

    This server doesn't seem to explicitly support Bedrock players, but there are some ways to join a Java server as a Bedrock player. Use these methods at your own risk; if you connect to a Java server with strong anti-cheat, you could inadvertently get banned.

    Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.