- Minecraft Servers>
- Crossplay Servers>
- PlateouSMP
PlateouSMP | |
Status | |
Java IP | plateousmp.net |
Bedrock IP | plateousmp.net |
Bedrock Port | 19132 |
Website | |
Discord | |
Players | 0/0 |
Votes | |
Last Ping | 6 days ago |
Tags | |
Versions |
The Deadliest Hardcore SMP! Everything in the server is custom-made even the plugins & commands. - Hardcore & Survival - Java, Bedrock & Cracked - Free to Play - Java Version 1.20 or earlier. - Port: 19132
What is the PlateouSMP Java IP?
The Java IP for PlateouSMP is plateousmp.net
What is the PlateouSMP Bedrock IP?
The Bedorck IP for PlateouSMP is plateousmp.net with port 19132
How do I vote for PlateouSMP?
Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.
What is the PlateouSMP Discord server?
Join the PlateouSMP Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/plateousmp
How do I join PlateouSMP?
Java players
- On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
- For "Server Address, enter plateousmp.net, then click "Done".
- Double click the newly added server to join!
Bedrock players
If you are on the mobile or Windows version of Minecraft Bedrock:
- On the main screen, hit "Play", then switch to the "Servers" tab.
- Scroll to the bottom of the server list and hit "Add Server".
- Enter whatever server name you'd like. For the server address, enter plateousmp.net. For the port, enter 19132.
Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.
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