1. Minecraft Servers
  2. Java Servers
  3. Valewoods


Java IP
Last Ping
6 days ago


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    A Minecraft Server

    Using Forge allows me to implement mods to create a fun and interesting experience on the server. Ranging from different ways of transport, jobs, banking systems, cosmetics, added bonuses to find, and much more. Houses and shops are available to buy pre-made for you to own and build the interior, and opportunities to do custom-made buildings. So you've passed the border and are now in Valewoods City, to start off, you get $1000 into your bank (Might not seem like a lot but the economy is great and most things essential are affordable) then you are free to roam the cities and towns, use public transport, find a hotel, dine in a café, get yourself a job and earn some more money and see the sights! Mainly this is an RP / Economy server, however, mini-games will be made from time to time like Manhunt, Prison Escape, TDM, and Scavenger Hunts! Currently using the 1.19.2 version of Forge, if you're unsure how to install Forge check out the server discord and you'll see a link to a YouTube video that explains how to do it. Your Minecraft account name will have to be added to the whitelist in order to join the server itself; so you'll have to join the discord first, agree to the rules, and add your name to the whitelist. From there an admin will add your name and restart the server, allowing you to play! My name is Dan, I'm 19 an ex-chef working in Subway, living in Liverpool. I like going swimming, seeing sights, playing games, and of course cooking at home! I used to stream on Facebook a while back but due to circumstances had to leave that behind. I owned another server once called Bloxville but I lost details to it so had to start anew (for the better though!)

    What is the Valewoods Java IP?

    The Java IP for Valewoods is

    What is the Valewoods Bedrock IP?

    Valewoods does not appear to support Bedrock players.

    How do I vote for Valewoods?

    Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.

    What is the Valewoods Discord server?

    Join the Valewoods Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/6UR5d8FDJg

    How do I join Valewoods?

    Java players

    1. On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
    2. For "Server Address, enter, then click "Done".
    3. Double click the newly added server to join!

    Bedrock players

    This server doesn't seem to explicitly support Bedrock players, but there are some ways to join a Java server as a Bedrock player. Use these methods at your own risk; if you connect to a Java server with strong anti-cheat, you could inadvertently get banned.

    Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.