1. Minecraft Servers
  2. Crossplay Servers
  3. Amici In Game

Amici In Game

Java IP
Bedrock IP
Bedrock Port
Last Ping
6 days ago


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    Amici In Game

    Amici In Game is a Vanilla Server + MiniGames semi-private Italian. The server was created with the intent to give fans of Minecraft already present on our official DISCORD a place where you can play all together, in harmony and serenity! Ours is a friendly and close-knit community where mutual respect is the master... To ensure a very high level of protection, we rely on plugins that allow us to protect ALL the constructions of our players from any Grief or other problems. In addition to the classic Vanilla Puro, always updated to the latest version, we also offer some of the best plugins around such as: BedWars, TNTGame, PaintBall, SquidGames and Murder Mystery, but in the future we will add others ;)

    What is the Amici In Game Java IP?

    The Java IP for Amici In Game is mc.amiciingame.com:25596

    What is the Amici In Game Bedrock IP?

    The Bedorck IP for Amici In Game is play.amiciingame.com with port 19132

    How do I vote for Amici In Game?

    Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.

    What is the Amici In Game Discord server?

    Join the Amici In Game Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/W9WBtK8HZj

    How do I join Amici In Game?

    Java players

    1. On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
    2. For "Server Address, enter mc.amiciingame.com:25596, then click "Done".
    3. Double click the newly added server to join!

    Bedrock players

    If you are on the mobile or Windows version of Minecraft Bedrock:
    1. On the main screen, hit "Play", then switch to the "Servers" tab.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the server list and hit "Add Server".
    3. Enter whatever server name you'd like. For the server address, enter play.amiciingame.com. For the port, enter 19132.

    Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.