1. Minecraft Servers
  2. Crossplay Servers
  3. HerosMC


Java IP
Bedrock IP
Bedrock Port
Last Ping
2 minutes ago


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  • Submit a piece of content for the server (TikTok video, YouTube video, etc).
  • Content will be reviewed by the server owner.
  • Votifier votes are awarded when they accept it!
  • This server does not have super votes enabled. Notify the server owner to get it added!
                          ʜʀs(ᴇᴜ) ʙxʀɪ

    Our server's rules 1 يمنع إزعاج الآخرين او التهجم عليهم بألفاظ بذيئة. It is forbidden to annoy or attack others with vulgar words. 2 ممنوع أي محتوى مخالف للآدب او خادش للحياء. No content contrary to literature or offensive. 3 ممنوع أي نقاش ديني أو سياسي. No religious or political discussion is allowed. 4 يرجى الالتزام بإضافة المواضيع والتعليقات في القنوات الخاصة بها. Please commit to adding topics and comments to their channels. 5 ممنوع الإعلان عن البطولات الغير رسمية إلا بعد أخذ الإذن من إدارة السيرفر It is forbidden to announce the unofficial tournaments unless after obtaining permission from the server administration 6 يمنع منعا باتًا إساءة إستخدام الميكروفون ( إزعاج وتشويش ). It is strictly prohibited to misuse the microphone (disturbance and noise). 7 سيتم تغيير أسماء المستخدمين غير اللائقة أو المسيئة إلى لقب مناسب. Inappropriate or offensive usernames will be changed to an appropriate nickname. 8 تمنع الصورة الغير لائقة بشكل عام، عدم إتباعك لهذا الأمر سيؤدي إلى حظر حسابك Generally prohibiting inappropriate image, failure to follow this command will lead to ban your account. 9 يمنع الإعلان أو الترويج لأي سيرفر آخر Advertising or promotion of any other server is prohibited 10 يرجى إحترام المشرفين والمسؤولين. نحن هنا لجعل تجمعاتنا مكانا أفضل للجميع. Please respect Moderators and administration. We are here to make our gatherings a better place for everyone. 11 يمنع التصرف وكانك مشرف للسيرفر . Acting like a moderator is prohibited. 12 يمنع طلب اي رتبة وذلك يعرضك للحظر . Don't ask for mod or any other rank or else you will face a ban 13 يمنع التحدث بمواضيع الحب + الكلمات الغزلية It is forbidden to talk about topics of love + flirtatious words 14 ممنوع طلب فك ميوت/البان/التحذير It is forbidden to request unmute and unban unwarn 16 ممنوع السبام Spam is forbidden 17 EasyMC will get you perm ip banned | BYPASSING RULE > please make sure to keep your account privacy to avoid punishment ! > You have the rights to connect with 2 accounts as maximum only ! > using many accounts for AFKing, etc can cause you banned ! > using cracked accounts is illegal usage on our servers !

    What is the HerosMC Java IP?

    The Java IP for HerosMC is play.herosmc.xyz

    What is the HerosMC Bedrock IP?

    The Bedorck IP for HerosMC is play.herosmc.xyz with port 19132

    How do I vote for HerosMC?

    Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.

    What is the HerosMC Discord server?

    Join the HerosMC Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/heros

    How do I join HerosMC?

    Java players

    1. On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
    2. For "Server Address, enter play.herosmc.xyz, then click "Done".
    3. Double click the newly added server to join!

    Bedrock players

    If you are on the mobile or Windows version of Minecraft Bedrock:
    1. On the main screen, hit "Play", then switch to the "Servers" tab.
    2. Scroll to the bottom of the server list and hit "Add Server".
    3. Enter whatever server name you'd like. For the server address, enter play.herosmc.xyz. For the port, enter 19132.

    Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.