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  2. Java Servers
  3. Govindas Limework

Govindas Limework

Java IP
Last Ping
4 days ago


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    Govindas Limework V5 [Java 1.16+ / Bedrock]
    Castle Wars Update: STONE MINERS!!!!

    A lot of content and frequent updates! (custom coded) Our server is started at 2015-01-14 and its been under development ever since! We focus on enjoyment of low player count, so just 2-4 players can experience the full fun of the server! Train and command your own AI army and battle other players AI armies! The first Real Time Strategy game in Minecraft! Really addicting and fast-paced minigame, the goal is simple: knocking players off the platform. The Walls and Sky Wars spin-off. Contains the best features of both gamemodes! Fun grinding game, much like Prison. Go through different caves and unlock more stuff! 10+ dimensions, realistic water mechanics, slimefun and seasons! Hard and challenging jumps, plenty of checkpoints. A couple of well-balanced parkours. Minecraft minigame based on an old arcade with the same name. Use bombs to trap and destroy your opponents. a massively-modified version of SG, with a pinch of custom loot from RPG games! destroy the map with TNT and knock your opponents! A really spectacular and awesome minigame! use snowballs to kill your enemies! A simplified but addicting version of CS:GO! duel your opponents using a massive amount of modifiers! a unique mode of its kind. Battle solo or in teams against other people using a range of different abilities. a well-known creative world minigame with a plenty of content of ease your existence. Ranging from simple armour stand creators to custom and easy-to-use programming language! https://limework.net/

    What is the Govindas Limework Java IP?

    The Java IP for Govindas Limework is mc.limework.net

    What is the Govindas Limework Bedrock IP?

    Govindas Limework does not appear to support Bedrock players.

    How do I vote for Govindas Limework?

    Just click the green "Vote" button on this page! You can vote once every 24 hours.

    What is the Govindas Limework Discord server?

    Join the Govindas Limework Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/SgeYz2z8uC

    How do I join Govindas Limework?

    Java players

    1. On the main screen, go to "Multiplayer", then "Add Server".
    2. For "Server Address, enter mc.limework.net, then click "Done".
    3. Double click the newly added server to join!

    Bedrock players

    This server doesn't seem to explicitly support Bedrock players, but there are some ways to join a Java server as a Bedrock player. Use these methods at your own risk; if you connect to a Java server with strong anti-cheat, you could inadvertently get banned.

    Is this server owned by you? Please contact us on Discord and we'll help you reclaim this listing.